Retail Events

Consumers are more demanding than ever before

Retailers are under increasing pressure to find ways to capture their interest and their spend.

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In the face of online competition, challenging trade and an increasingly difficult retail environment, how do savvy retailers stay ahead?

The key is to create modern, inviting and engaging shopping experiences that offer consumers something that they can’t get online.

Combining the human interaction that they can only get in store with savvy use of technology, our photo booth technology is a proven tool to encourage consumer engagement in store. If you want to stand out from the crowd of retailers by offering customers a selfie-tastic experience that will position your business as fresh and on trend, then get in touch.

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By offering customers something unlike they’ve ever seen before in a retailer, you can drive footfall and leverage the current love of social media to drive brand awareness.

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We can work with you to develop content and custom graphics that will increase customer engagement and sales during your event.

We understand how quickly consumer dynamics are changing and how retailers need to respond to them. Let us help you innovate and find new ways to engage with consumers.


Our Booth allows guests to share their photo by simply entering their phone number, email or social media ID.  We can customise the email template with your brand, product or marketing message.

Data Capture

We can create customised data capture forms crucial for gathering GDPR complaint information on your guests to enable effective future marketing strategies, this includes number fields, text fields, drop downs and multiple select.


We will provide regular data analytics on your event or lease hires.  Discover how many guests are using the GIF Booth, run competitions using the data collected.  A convenient Excel spreadsheet will be sent to you with email, phone numbers and data form results, our Advanced Visual Analytics (AVA) will also let you know the gender and age range of your guests.

Our mirror booth technology is the perfect way to tap into the millennial market and position yourself ahead of the pack.

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